Duet: Partners In Health & Aging
Duet promotes health and well-being through a broad range of services to older adults who need one-on-one support.
Duet helps older adults and their families cope with challenges related to aging. From getting groceries and rides to the doctor, to health promotion activities and support groups, you can trust us to provide the compassionate help you need.
We are a non-profit, interfaith organization that has been serving older adults in greater Phoenix since 1981.
We’re your partner in health and aging.
For more than 30 years, Duet has worked diligently to improve the quality of life for older adults across the Valley.
We focus particular attention on the needs of homebound elders and adults with disabilities, family caregivers, and grandparents raising grandchildren.
We reach out to the wider community by teaching nurses how to combine their faith with their professional skills – to promote health and well-being in their respective faith communities.
By working in tandem with others, we create a stronger and more caring community.
While we help thousands of elders, we promise to give each person individualized attention and respect, understanding and support.
Each year, Duet directly improved life for more than 2,200 people and provides over 42,108 hours of volunteer service to nearly 800 homebound adults. Duet’s volunteer services result in an annual savings of more than $10.6 million to Arizona taxpayers and individuals.
Through Duet, more than 300,000 health interventions or screenings were provided free-of-charge through 139 participating congregational health programs last year. Last year alone, 1,516 days of respite helped support more than 600 grandparents raising their grandchildren.
We offer compassionate help and the promise of a more hopeful future.